Friday, May 30, 2008
Oh, and the drop-out rate of my course is certainly terrifying!!! Almost 50% of the students from the previous intake dropped the course after going through the first sem. First SEM!!!!!!!!!
And another thing, got to watch "Arai En 305-il Kadavul" the other day. It was a nice movie. Certainly not one which will be listed under the typical,commercial flicks but it was based on a different theme. Simply put, a story of two useless youngsters whose room mate is THE ALMIGHTY!!! Sounds interesting?? It defintely is!!! Minus the songs, the movie is watchable and enjoyable in parts.
That's all for now. Chao!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Oh yes....I got my results!!! WOOHOOO....I am happy!!! extremely happy!!!! (referring to the sem results not my overall grade points,sigh!) My fault...Repeated the same mistakes but I m glad I managed well this time! Thanks to THE ALMIGHTY!!! :D
That's all for now! Chao!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Dear TD16, thank you for all those good was fun...even the silly arguments that some us had...the time we spent bbq-ing those chicken wings (of course, there was another story behind it which only the fuyoh people knw of)...the times we spent arguing for marks....and also those funny moments recording the 'unique wedding' for our PS presentation...Thanks for everything...It was a wonderful year!!! Good Luck and All the Best Peeps!!!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
200 Pounds Beauty

The aspect I loved in this movie is the screenplay after Hanna becomes Jenny ( the slim and pretty Hanna). Jenny practically suffers hiding her past and it shows how desperate she wants to bury her past as the overweight Hanna. They also have some funny elements on plastic surgery and the mentality of men who don't mind women getting plastic surgery to make them prettier but just not their girl friend. Overall, the movie was enjoyable and pretty much showcased the hardship an overweight girl goes through. And right after that, I watched Oprah talking about drastic measures taken by parents to help their overweight child...what a coincidence!!!! Can anyone believe that a 12 year-old got a gastric by-pass to lose weight!!!???? I just think that it's not the right way to solve a problem...
Anyway, chao!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Pardon me for posting such a crappy thing, you might not see this post tommorrow actually.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Current favs...
First of all, I love MUSIC. love listening to SONGS.
I listen to Tamil,English and Hindi songs but right now, am kinda outdated in the English and Hindi music industry. For tamil, I am a die-hard fan of tamil cinema songs. love AR Rahman, Harris Jeyaraj, Yuvan and the latest GV Prakash.
Anyway, I just felt like listing my current favourites...they are not in any particular order though.
*Pallanadhu Pallanadhu from Kuruvi.
Vidyasagar has churned out just the right song one needs to listen to, to get some energy...lift up their backs and start dancing. seriously. Oh, fyi... he sang the song too!
*Adada Adadaa from Santhosh Subramaniam.
OMG...this song is just amazing. It's peppy and really, really nice. Siddarth (from the movie, Boys) is the singer, and really...he has a really cute voice! BTW, the video of the song is cute too.
*Venmegham Ponnagi from Yaaradi Nee Mohini.
Not sure who sang this one but its really haunting. It's kind of a sad song but worth every bit of it. love it.
*Saghiyae from Dhaam Dhoom.
Okay, this one is by my favourite singer, Bombay Jeyashree and Krish. If I am not mistaken, Krish is the one who sang the big-time hit, "June Ponal" from Unnalae Unnalae. On Jeyashree, her voice is simply beautiful...I still remember one of my friends saying that her voice sounds rough, but seriously I find it unique and pretty much haunting as well!
*Kannadhasan Kaaraikudi from Anjathey.
Okay, I don't really like ghaana songs. but really like this one for its lyrics (it's weird but somehow, I like it) and also the music. Somehow, just somehow it's really nice.Even the dance steps in this song are kinda cool...hehe.Oh, watched the movie yesterday night btw. Will definitely post my thoughts on it asap.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Ok, it's May already and I have not really done anything about "something really really important that I should have started long long time back". Anyway, watched "Vellithirai" yesterday. It was one of the movies in my "must-watch-during-this-holidays" list. The main and probably the only reason the movie was on my list is because of the Raj-duos, PrakashRaj and PrithviRaj! My liking for them increased even more after Mozhi, an amazing movie which starred my ever-favourite actress Jyothika and also these two people.
Coming to "Vellithirai", although I did expect much from the movie, my expectations toned down a little after reading a few reviews. This movie is another product of Duet Movies, Prakashraj's production company which also produced Mozhi. Now, the story. Vellithirai (Silver Screen in English) is a story about cinema, Tamil Cinema. The story's theme is based on how things happen in real in Tamil Cinema, or so they claim ( The narrator says so) and is dedicated to people who strive to make good cinema, good movies.
The story is definitely something new,something different than what one could normally see in Tamil movies. But, being different doesn't mean that it will turn out good always.Not that this movie was not good, I would say that it was a good effort but just wasn't enough. The movie tells the story of Prakashraj who has been on the look for a 'hero' role for the past 16 years and his room-mate Prithviraj is an assistant director, striving to make his own movie for the past 10 years. One day, frustration creeps in and Prakashraj steals Prithvi's "story" (one that he wrote to direct by himself) and uses that to buy himself the 'hero' role. Soon, Prakashraj becomes the "Thalapathy" of Tamil Cinema. He has various fan clubs around the world and becomes super-popular.
Prakashraj's dirty act does come to light, but no one can do anything since Prakashraj smartly registered the story uner his name. Meanwhile, Prithviraj marries Gopika, a popular heroine introduce by him. Unable to find a break for himself, Prithviraj becomes dejected and sorts to drving cabs to make a living. Once, when he goes to meet a producer, the producer casually comments that Prithviraj should cash on on his popularity as the 'husband of an actress' to become a hero and forget his ambition of becoming a director. This frustrates him further and results in Gopika moving out of the house hoping that things will be better for Prithviraj thereafter. I honestly don't find the logic behind this, but movies are not always logic anyways!
Now, Prithviraj is given a golden chance by a producer who knows everything ( about Prakashraj stealing the story and bla bla) and says that Prithviraj should 'use' Prakashraj himself (his popularity and star-status) to become a successful director.Then, the rest of the story is how Prithviraj wins Prakashraj.
On the performance, no one really caught my attention, I mean no one performed well, for me to call them amazing or superb. Really. Prakashraj's role was different with a villainy touch but he wasn't up to mark. I am not a pro to say this but Prakashraj was not his usual self there. He's definitely one of the best actors in Tamil I have seen I must say, but not in this movie. Somehow I felt that none of the main characters of the movie were shown in-depth. The characters say that they are struggling or that their are sad or angry but somehow you can't relate to them.They somehow don't show it clearly.
Btw, there's also another confusion on who exactly the hero of the movie is. Not that we do need a hero but based on the screen space given, Prakashraj looks like the hero of the movie.Moreover, with two song featuring him. Now, on Gopika. She's supposed to be the popular actress.But, she doesn't have the screen presence to potray the role.Rather, she looks like this poor little girl who has been forced to wear all those "movie outfits".Oh, one must also watch-out for 'Jeyam' Ravi, Trisha and Sandhya who make guest appearances as themselves. Songs were nice, particularly "Uyirile" and "Kanji Paanaiyin". These two songs were picturised well too.
Overall, Vellithirai was not strong or impactful enough to be called a must-watch movie. It can be watched if you really don't have anything to do but not a must lar.I was kinda dissapointed but let's just hope that Prakashraj's and Prithviraj's next endeavors are good!!!