Thursday, September 25, 2008

Am Back!!!

Yay!!! My exams are finally over...actually, got over last Tuesday. I was just kinda tired and had a really nice weekend full of nothing. I did nothing. And that's exactly what I like to do :D .

By the way, right after my exams, a few of my friends and I went to Mid Valley and literally spent our day chit-chatting + Starbucks + a movie. And seriously,
Chocolate Chip Frappuccino ROX!!!

And, 'Black Water' which is currently running in cinemas, is quite good. Oh, I must say that the subtitle when they showed the movie's title was 'Hitam Buaya'!!! I wonder since when, air became buaya!!! LOL! On second thought, may be they were referring to the croc in the movie, but still!
Initially, the movie seemed like a documentary, but after the first 1/2 an hour or so it got pretty interesting. It's a typical 'crocodile' movie, where they have this big Croc gobbling up people and how this group which gets stuck in the middle try to save their lives.But, overall it was pretty 'entertaining' I would say...hehe...exciting too...I know, that these are not the words one would normally associate with these kind of croc movies, but I must say that I enjoyed the show. :D
By the way, the movie is supposed to be based on a true story.

Anyway,from now onwards, I will try to post as frequently as possible...and I actually have a few things to post about too. Watched some nice movies on tv/dvd, heard some new, yup...some posts on them will be up very soon.

That's all for now... ch@o!

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