Saturday, January 17, 2009

Why this Hypocrisy ?

Alright, this might sound like a ranting, because it is but this issue, that I am about to write has been bugging me for a long long time. Seriously, just because someone is of a different gender doesn't give them the right to behave in a dominant/submissive manner. It shouldn't matter, whether you're a man or a woman for you to raise your voice, does it? Honestly, I believe that purpose, reason and genuine intent should determine the way a person behaves, not because the person you are talking to is a man/woman!!!

A lot of people talk about equal rights and all that, but when it comes to certain situations/issues, they tend to incline to the other side and I have no idea why. Being a woman is just as hard as being a man. I seriously feel that people underestimate the potential or the abilities of a woman when they compare a 'her' to a 'him'. And all these new generation thingy that people talk about, nope, I don't think anything has changed much. There are people who give valid credit to woman, but there are still millions who fail to change their mindset about woman.

Before you go on thinking that I am being a typical feminist, just consider the fact that everyone, each and everyone of us here are first and foremost, humans. And, humans should be treated like they are without any sort of discrimination based on their gender whatsoever.
I don't know much about the other parts of the world, but here, in this part of my world, hypocrisy is abundant. Women talk about equal rights, the way they should be treated, and all that, but at certain point, they themselves become slaves to the absurd believe that men are superior. This just goes on to show that truly, a woman is another woman's worst enemy!

Why do we have all these hypocrisy??? I have yet to find out the real reason for this. Is it because, woman are taught to perceive men in such a way? Or is it simply the way the world works that people have just forgotten their stands?


Jamuuna said...

You phrased my feelings accurately. A woman is truly another woman's enemy. I love you for writing this!!!

tulipspeaks said...

should i be "hi-fiving" you for this? :P

