Saturday, June 7, 2008

College.LRT.Rapid Buses.Waking up at 7.00am. These are the words that describe my week. Honestly, the second week of my first year degree,first sem was not like what I expected it to be!!! Full of unexpected information blurted out by the lecturers.'s tiring u knw.
Plus, the increase in the petrol price. Not that it affects me much, but actually it will soon. Cuz, I hv been hearing some news about an increase in rapid's bus fare!!! Speaking of Rapid Buses... seriously, are they blind or do they live in a world of their own??? Cuz, the drivers don't move even when there's a long que waiting for them. It's irritating, especially when it's after 5pm.
Plus, the week was more tainted with the absence of INTERNET. Yes, my modem got spoiled and I had to wait till today to get something which makes it works. Actually, part of the modem was spoiled, so we got a new one to fix it. Anyway, glad that I can surf the web now :)
Anyway, gotta go to bed now. ch@o


tulipspeaks said...

good luck mate! :)

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Jamuuna said...

Why do we have to suffer like this? I hate taking buses...I think U know lah!!