Thursday, March 6, 2008

An Extra Brain or Heart???

Okay, it has been a while since I posted...was a little busy with classes and assignments.
Anyway, I had one my tutorial classes today and it was quite interesting.It was for 'English for Communication'.Yes, that's a subject that we are supposed to learn.I have no idea exactly why...but just gotta do it you see.
So, we had some discussions and one of the topic was, "If it was possible for you to have an extra brain or an extra heart,which would you prefer?".Sounds interesting and weird at the same time...We were required to voice out our opinion and of course I was called out too.

Here was my take on it:

"Even if it was possible for me to have an extra brain or an extra heart,I would like to choose to stay the way I am now,with one brain and one heart.In my opinion,having an extra heart would not make any difference as I firmly believe that heart is not something measurable.Having a heart ,to me is all about loving,caring,empathizing and being able to feel human emotions.I believe that one heart is enough as one heart is equivalent to a million as long as the person is willing to believe so and begins to love himself/herself and everything/anything around him/her.
On an extra brain,I feel that the enormous capability of our brain has not been fully discovered yet.Even the father of science,Albert Einstein did not use 100% of his brain's capacity to come with all those theories.So it is evident that one brain is more than enough.Hence,staying the way I am right now, as God's genuine creation,I don't think I would want to change anything."

Frankly, that is exactly what I feel.Some of my classmates had different opinions on it and it was pretty interesting to know how people would react to such a tempting question...So,watcha think about it???

Signing off,
Sree :)

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